Ron Fulleman

Author of Easy Read YA and Hi/Low MG Books

Frankie Chandler Psychic Pet Detective Series

Barking Mad at Murder (A Frankie Chandler Pet Psychic Mystery)

Category: ReviewAuthor: Jacqueline VickGenres: Mystery, Thriller, To-read, Young AdultSeries: Frankie Chandler Psychic Pet Detective SeriesFrankie Chandler is a pet psychic—at least that’s how she bills her services. Her “telepathic abilities” actually come to her via animal behavior books and her ability to cold read people, a skill that she learned from her tarot card-reading Aunt Gertrude, a.k.a. Madame Guinevere. That was before Sandy, a Golden Retriever with a secret, blows through Frankie’s mental barrier and shows her an image she’ll never forget.I’d like to thank Jacqueline Vick for coming up with such an entertaining read. I hadn’t had a chance to read much lately and fortunately found her book, “Barking Mad at Murder” and really enjoyed it. The protagonist, a self-described ‘fake’ Pet Psychic finds new, unknown abilities in communicating with animals. She puts these to the ultimate test in trying to solve a murder that was only witnessed by a dog. The story keep moving at a good clip, demanding that the reader keep up, and that’s exactly what I wanted to do. I looked forward to opening the (e)book each time to see what was going to happen next and how it would affect Frankie, the female protagonist. Although this book deals with adults (I usually read MG and/or YA), it was a nice, clean worded mystery with some romance, but not too much. I’d say this is a read you should try!

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