“A Scaly Tail of Murder: A Frankie Chandler Pet Psychic Mystery” is book #5 in the series. In this story, Frankie Chandler’s ex comes back and muddies her relationship with her fiancé Detective Bowers. Things get messy when Frankie is implicated, along with her ex, in a murder. Things get even messier when their involvement cast doubts on Detective Bowers’ abilities and threaten his chances at a promotion. Of course, Frankie worries that this will give Bowers room for doubts about them getting married. Toss in an uncooperative exotic iguana as the primary witness and you’ve got another great Frankie Chandler Pet Psychic Mystery.
Vick uses a lot of wit and sarcasm to spin her tales. Her characters are interesting and well worth spending some time with. Personally, I’ve enjoyed this series and am looking forward to reading #6.